March 31, 2009

car angel, easy way to contribute to each other

Life is not easy sometimes leaving those who are not lucky, they live under the poverty line, they live on the streets, eat potluck and do not have a permanent job, not only in our country, even in the Country United States, there are also people people who are still out of luck,

For the Car Angel Ministries provides partner charities from across the United States that will enable you to use a motor vehicle, boat or trailer to help single mothers, distribute educational materials, homeless, teen and adult rehab, food distribution and orphans.

People sell their car, boat or other to do to help the poor, and the poor, sometimes prose there too who will be making a donation to give, for it has now present a program that will bring you the convenience to anyone who donate car, donate boat, and so forth without having to sell their own and donated a new result,

Results from the donation, will be allocated to free DVDs for kids, lessons for the donation street children and many more activities of charities that will be funded by this program. if you interested to donate please visit this site and don’t forget your car donations is very helpful for each other

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car angel, easy way to contribute to each other
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1 komentar:

March 31, 2009 at 11:34 AM delete

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